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Tarot therapeutic

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The tarot has existed since the beginning of humanity, as archetypal images that tell us about the different facets, the comings and goings of human experiences.

It is because of this condition that this language   functions as a symbolic bridge between the unconscious and the conscious world, allowing us to decode the messages that the interior has to transmit to us. 

From there, the therapeutic and organizing facet of the experiences that are passed through and that require a little more awareness;  collaborating to be able to see with different eyes the situations  that touch us at every moment and perhaps, thanks to the information provided by the Tarot, helping _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_make decisions or simply go through them from another place of greater clarity. 

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Tarot Sessions 

The Therapeutic Tarot consultations have a duration of 90 minutes, where several questions can be asked or open spreads, without question.

Through dialogue and interaction with the images, paths of perception are opened about any situation in our lives. Depending on what needs to be consulted, it is determined what type of spread is convenient for each particular case.

The sessions can be held in person at Casa Cristal, a space located in the Parque Rivadavia area, Caballito neighborhood, or in virtual format from the Zoom telecommunications platform. 

In this case, the recorded video of the session is delivered.


(...) "The journey through the Tarot cards is basically a journey into our own depth. Whatever we find on this journey is, deep down, an aspect of our deepest self.

Given that the origin of these cards dates back to a time when the mysterious and the irrational were more real than today, they will serve as a bridge to take us in search of the ancestral wisdom that is still found in our deepest selves. A wisdom as necessary to solve our personal problems as it is to find creative answers to universal questions that concern us all."

Carl Jung

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The tarot rotates, circulates in an ascending and descending spiral through all the archetypes, through all the experiences of humanity in the form of images, of symbols. 

To open up to the information it has to offer us, is to allow a bridge to be built between the unconscious, wordless, vibratory world; and the conscious through the arcana and the interaction between them. 

To open up to the experience that the tarot brings us is to open up to a mysterious synchronicity where the inner teacher helps us to give light to the emotional, psychological and spiritual processes; to be more aware.

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Crystal Yoga

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  Astrology and Tarot

Website and content created by Florencia E. Cristaldo
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