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Astrological Consulting


"Astrology consists of symbolic configurations of the collective unconscious, which is the main topic of psychology: the "planets" are the gods, symbols of the powers of the unconscious"

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Image by Finding Dan | Dan Grinwis


Lectura de carta natal

Natal Chart Reading 

As a cartography of the planetary positions at the moment of birth, its study helps us to discover potentialities and possibilities of development. Delving into the information it provides us, we can come to understand ourselves as complex energy networks, labyrinths that hide the intricate relationship between light and shadow, between inside and outside, between the "I" and others.

The process consists of two meetings of 2 hours / 2.30 hours. each one, addressing in the first the basic notions, the distribution of the Four Elements and their psychological meaning, and the main triad of the natal theme, namely: the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant sign.


In the second meeting, to be coordinated according to the time of each consultant, we focus on clarifying doubts that have arisen, and on continuing to investigate the chart through the most important astrological aspects, as well as the transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) and their polarities, and also of Chiron and the Lunar Nodes.

The meetings are online, with a webcam, microphone and slides, via Zoom.

Revolución solar

Solar Return Reading

Being the Card of the Year, it also contains multiple levels of interpretation, and its reading offers a great opportunity for psycho-spiritual evolution. At a first level, we can learn about the theme that will lead the new solar cycle, the central lessons learned, the challenges, possible achievements, and main purposes at this stage, etc. And on a deeper level, through its study in superposition with the Natal Chart, we can investigate the possible approaches of the "identity nuclei" in pursuit of their integration.

The process consists of a meeting of 2:30 pm, where the most important transits to the Natal Chart are studied, as well as Secondary Progressions. In a second moment, the Solar Return chart is studied in relation to the Natal Chart, and then by itself.

The meetings are online, with a webcam, microphone and slides, via Zoom, Skype or some other videoconferencing platform.

Proceso de autodesarrollo

self-development process

This proposal for those who wish to delve into the information provided by their Natal Chart, in connection with different Symbolic Languages, and with the support of different techniques that aim at the integral development of the being.

Through Yoga and Ayurveda, practicing asanas, mantras, mandalas, visualization and meditation techniques, food awareness and Indian philosophies, and also through the Tarot, the I Ching and other sacred and oracular languages, we seek to experience the different nuclei of the astral map.

The objective is to provide the necessary tools, and accompany from a holistic view and listening, focusing on self-care and integration. Thus, each process will have the duration and depth that each consultant feels and requests.

In principle, two settings are proposed: weekly or fortnightly meetings, each one of 1.30/2/hrs, organizing them according to their interests and needs.


In case you want to pay in advance, there are promotional rates at your disposal. 

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astrology is an art

La astrología es un arte

Astrology is an art, rather than a science or religious belief system. But then what is art? The artist mediates between the different dimensions of life. The images, sounds, words and forms that the artist uses are languages that can communicate the meaning of patterns of levels of reality, which would otherwise be incomprehensible or incommunicable to the rational mind. When we are affected by art, it is because the work speaks to us on many levels: intellectual, intuitive, emotional, visceral.


Astrology symbols strike the chords in us at different levels that it is never possible to exhaust their mystery. That is the nature of symbols and astrology is a symbolic language.

So the astrologer may, looking at a person's horoscope, see Mars as a symbol of unexpressed and unconscious aggression and rage; in someone else's horoscope, as a symbol of motivating power, courage and initiative; in another person's horoscope, as an expression of headaches, rashes, or other somatic signs of inner tension, anger, and stress, which have not been dealt with, and even in another person's horoscope, as a symbol of a type of person or event in particular that the individual possibly knows in the outside world.


These are all "true" interpretations, and the ability to discern how this symbol is most likely to be expressed in any individual at a particular time rests on faculties that are not involved in empirical testing.

The art of astrology also requires intellectual clarity; but it still requires empathy, intuition, imagination, perspective, and experience. Still, an interpretation may miss the mark, because art never guarantees accuracy. At best, it can guarantee meaning and vision.

Many people take up astrology in the hope that simple answers will be offered to complex questions about most life issues. But if the person searches deeper, it becomes apparent that such simple answers are not what astrology is about. Finally, those who study astrology for a lifetime do so not because it offers a reaffirmation of the science, but because they love it. And much of that love is invoked because astrology never fails to offer another set of mysteries to explore and another set of unanswered questions to broaden our minds and transform our views of reality. Perhaps that is a good definition of art.

Liz Greene

What is the birth chart? 

¿Qué es la carta natal?

The Natal chart or Astral Chart is, at a specific level, the cartography of the planetary position at the time of birth. It is a circular graph that reflects where the planets were in connection with the celestial horizon, at the time and place in which we arrived in the world. In the outermost part of the chart are the 12 signs of the Zodiac, lined up sequentially from Aries to Pisces. Like the different frets of a guitar, these signs vibrate together in a harmonic symphony, in perfect interrelation. In the innermost part of the mandala, the 10 planets that make up our solar system are presented, constellating angular connections called "aspects", which manifest in certain areas of experience called "houses".

Inscribed in this systemic graph is the development potential of our life, like a seed that hides within it the unfolding of a huge tree. Many times it is said that the Natal Chart is the map of "what I am", but in truth, "what I am" is not written anywhere nor does it have any map, because what we are is a very complex and mysterious network, a labyrinth that hides the intricacy of the relationship between light and shadow, between inside and outside, between the “I” and the links. 

Given that all the signs, planets and their interrelationships are potentially contradictory energies and that they often manifest themselves in opposite ways, the consciousness of each of us had to reach a compensation mechanism in order to cope with the inner tension generated by those energies with which that there was no identification, and that they usually manifest in the form of Destiny.

This is the key to astrological knowledge.

The inside and the outside are part of the same. 

In the consultations that we carry out, through dialogue and encounter, we reveal the path through which the querent's consciousness identified with some parts of the letter and rejected others, taking them to a place of shadow or non-identification.


In the Astral Chart we can glimpse the unfolding of our potentials and possibilities, since Astrology is a way of perceiving, a circular language that seeks to learn to observe from the holistic.

Image by Zoltan Tasi

"I recommend that you follow this page because the articles are very interesting and Flor's wisdom is sooooo much. It is not only recommended to read what the boys upload, but also to go see them because the astrology and tarot sessions with them are super revealing.

They help you get to know yourself, expand your awareness, be present and accept others. Between many other things.

Thank you always Flower!

Laura Care

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          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  Astrology and Tarot

Website and content created by Florencia E. Cristaldo
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