
What is astrology?
Since time immemorial, human beings have contemplated the starry sky and have discovered in its periodic mutations a deep and mysterious interdependence with their own future.
In that nocturnal communion, he has projected his unconscious psyche onto the vast dark stellar canvas.
In that intimate relationship that exists between heaven and earth, enter the stars and humans,
astrology is and has been, the philosopher's stone.
The beacon that illuminates the human evolutionary process towards the center of the Self.
One of the great teachings that astrology offers us is that provides clarity in the understanding of a deeper reality and offers us a way of perceiving a more creative life.

It is through the natal chart or astral code, symbolically represents the energy structure of the person and at the same time works as amapping de route, a beacon that illuminates a possible path to the identification process.
In it, we can glimpse the play of light and shadow, identification and rejection of the psychological nuclei of our psyche, as well as the display of our potentialities, motivations, talents, ourobstacles, repetitive link patterns, our defensive mechanisms, and the learning that our Being needs to become aware of in this life to develop its maximum potential.

evolutionary astrology
Evolutionary and archetypal astrology is a line of astrology focused particularly on the evolutionary development of the Being, unlike classical astrology with its predictive methodology. His greatest references have been Liz Green, Stephen Brook, Dane Rudhyar, Sasportas and Carl Gustav Jung through analytical psychology, with their theories on the collective unconscious, archetypes, the principle of synchronicity, the process of individuation through the play of light and shadow of consciousness
Unlike classical astrology, the humanist astrologer uses the analysis of the natal chart or astral code, as an energetic and psychological map that will allow the astrologer to make certain hypotheses about the possible identifications or not of the psychic nuclei that the consultant was developing. in their life. It is through the dialogue in the framework of the astrological session where both begin to understand how the possible dynamics that were created between the fragmented parts of the natal chart were experienced throughout the personal narrative.
The task of the evolutionary astrologer during the interview is to listen with full empathy and collaborate so that the consultant becomes aware that he is only using part of his potential and that it is precisely that other unknown or unconscious part that acts like a boomerang. , projecting that content in shadow on the outside in the form of "destiny", limiting the process of individuation.
_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ For evolutionary astrology, what we call "destiny" (situations, facts and significant links) is, on one level, that with which we do not identify, reject or repress by not confirming our identity in one part; but the interesting thing is that this content is an integral part of our birth chart.
By knowing and working consciously on this dynamic, it helps us to see our energy map in an integral way and thus we will be able to observe the mechanisms that appear repetitively in our lives.
Training Objectives
One of the objectives of this training is to share the astrological symbolism, from the personal experience cultivated over 17 years as a self-taught student, as a student in formal institutions and from the role of astrologer in constant interaction with the consultants in the reading of the natal chart.
The proposal is to develop a holistic and philosophical understanding of astrological language, the ability to interpret a birth chart from an evolutionary, psychological and spiritual perspective; together with the progressive cultivation of empathetic listening when carrying out the natal chart reading session.
Throughout the training, psychological aspects of the role of the astrologer in the astrological consultation will be worked on.
⚜ All the knowledge that we will be seeing will be taken to the study of your own birth chart. You will have the possibility of having an individual meeting with me at the end of the module⚜
Training modality
The training is mixed: virtual and face-to-face.
The training lasts 3 years, divided into 3 levels of 3 modules of 3 months each.
Total training is done by completing each module consecutively.
Each module can be taken independently in the event that the student is exclusively interested in a specific topic and does not want to complete the entire training.
It will be taught once a week synchronously, with the support of daily accompaniment by the what's app group. There is the possibility of being able to see the recorded classes asynchronously.
Once a month we will have a face-to-face class in the Caballito area, Capital Federal, to work on practical aspects, dramatic games, roll playing and different body dynamics that have the objective of passing through the body all theoretical learning.
For people who cannot attend, they will have the possibility of having the extra meeting virtually.

The starry vault of heaven is truly the open book of cosmic projection, in which the mythologemes, that is, the archetypes, are reflected. In this vision, astrology and alchemy go hand in hand, the two classic officials of the psychology of the collective unconscious.
Carl G. Jung
Initial Astrology Course
From July to October 2022

Module 1 Contents
initial course
Introduction to astrology: definition and basic concepts.
History of Astrology.
Elementary notions of astronomy in relation to the formation of the natal chart
Global vision of the components of the natal chart: hemispheres, quadrants, cardinal cross, house system from the ascendant. General concepts, keywords, interrelationships and zodiacal matrix.
Introduction to the notion of the ZODIAC: the ecliptic, the 4 elements, triplicities and quadruplicities and the journey of the 12 signs of the zodiac.
The natal chart as a mandala. The psychology of the circle, the game of light and shadow, polarity and the integration process.
Philosophy of psychological Astrology. Campbell's hero's path, basic notions of Jung's theory in relation to astrology.
History of the 4 elements as a matrix of self-knowledge.
Deepening of the psychology of the 4 elements: perceptive function, psychic dynamics, complementarity and antagonism.
The 12 signs in depth: their mythology, their astrological symbolism, their grouping by element, by modality and polarity.
The planetary function of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant as a triangle of consciousness
Objectives pedagogical
You will know the philosophy that underlies psychological and archetypal astrology, basic concepts of the psychology of Carl G. Jung and the triangle of consciousness Sun, moon and Ascendant
The objective is that you incorporate an evolutionary and integral vision of astrology.
Understand the internal dynamics that make up astrological language.
Form a systematized base to elucidate and fully understand how an astral chart is formed.
Discover the energy of the 4 available elements that each unx manifests in their natal chart.
Methodology learning
The live virtual meetings will take place in two parts: a first theoretical part where the theme of the week will be presented and a second practical part where we will locate what we have seen in your own birth chart.
In all classes we will have an anonymous mini multiplechoice test to review the contents studied in the previous class.
Throughout the course we will create a self-knowledge booklet through the birth chart, synthesizing everything we see in the course.
You will be able to deliver your booklet so that you can correct it and that at the end of the course, you will have a unique and personalized material of your own birth chart. The deliveries are not mandatory, but by having this follow-up, you make sure to settle the knowledge.

Módulo 2
Las 2 luminarias,
los 5 planetas personales y
los 3 planetas transpersonales
Desde Julio a Septiembre,
Miércoles 19.30 hs horario argentina.

☾ Investigar las funciones planetarias en los 4 elementos y posteriormente en los signos, para así aproximarnos de forma práctica al estudio de la carta natal.
☾ La función del Sol y el recorrido de las 12 lunas.
☾ La función de los 5 planetas personales ( Mercurio, Venus, Marte, Júpiter y Saturno) y de los 3 transpersonales ( Urano, Neptuno y Plutón)
☾ Investigaremos las polarizaciones transpersonales en la carta natal
☾ Haremos el recorrido teórico práctico para comprender como es posible que se manifiesten las funciones planetarias en tanto vibración, imagen arquetípica, función dentro del planeta tierra y función psíquica humana.
♆ Para poder realizar este módulo es necesario que conozcas como se manifiestan los 12 signos en la carta natal, ya que el objetivo de este módulo es comprender en profundidad como se desarrollan las funciones planetas en los signos.
♆ Este conocimiento es la base teórica para la interpretación de la carta natal, como de la mayoría de los estudios astrológicos avanzados: tránsitos, revolución solar, progresiones. sinastrías.
♆ En este módulo empezaremos a esbozar el conocimiento sobre los núcleos psicológicos presentes en la carta natal, como antesala a los módulos de interpretación de la carta natal y consulta astrológica.
֍ La cursada tiene una modalidad virtual de 12 clases teóricas y clases extra de práctica, a determinar con el grupo.
֍ Trabajaremos de manera teórica y práctica, con visualizaciones y ejercicios intuitivos y lúdicos para desarrollar el hemisferio derecho (no racional).
֍ Se cursará de forma virtual 1 vez por semana con el soporte del acompañamiento diario por el grupo de what´s app;
֍ En los encuentros extras, pasaremos por el cuerpo el conocimiento, a través de ejercicios psico dramáticos. Como también trabajaremos con cartas natales de famosos.
֍ En todo momento del curso, estaremos trabajando con tu carta natal. Bajando la información abstracta a lo concreto de tu experiencia vital con tu mapa astral.

Módulo 3
Los 12 ascendentes
El sistema de casas
Los 6 ejes astrológicos

Will I have to take exams or submit papers?
Yes. Once a month you will be asked to submit a practical and integrating work on the topics studied or a multiple choice exam.
At the end of the module, a practical and individual work will be requested that will be put together and delivered throughout the course so that it is as inclusive as possible.

How is the methodology and duration of the modules?
The modules have a duration of 3 months, and are given 3 per year, completing a training of 9 modules in 3 years.
To complete the training it is necessary that you have all the complete modules and the final works of each module delivered and approved.

Module 1 Contents
initial course
Introduction to astrology: definition and basic concepts.
History of Astrology.
Elementary notions of astronomy in relation to the formation of the natal chart
Global vision of the components of the natal chart: hemispheres, quadrants, cardinal cross, house system from the ascendant. General concepts, keywords, interrelationships and zodiacal matrix.
Introduction to the notion of the ZODIAC: the ecliptic, the 4 elements, triplicities and quadruplicities and the journey of the 12 signs of the zodiac.
The natal chart as a mandala. The psychology of the circle, the game of light and shadow, polarity and the integration process.
Philosophy of psychological Astrology. Campbell's hero's path, basic notions of Jung's theory in relation to astrology.
History of the 4 elements as a matrix of self-knowledge.
Deepening of the psychology of the 4 elements: perceptive function, psychic dynamics, complementarity and antagonism.
The 12 signs in depth: their mythology, their astrological symbolism, their grouping by element, by modality and polarity.
The planetary function of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant as a triangle of consciousness
Objectives pedagogical
You will know the philosophy that underlies psychological and archetypal astrology, basic concepts of the psychology of Carl G. Jung and the triangle of consciousness Sun, moon and Ascendant
The objective is that you incorporate an evolutionary and integral vision of astrology.
Understand the internal dynamics that make up astrological language.
Form a systematized base to elucidate and fully understand how an astral chart is formed.
Discover the energy of the 4 available elements that each unx manifests in their natal chart.
Methodology learning
The live virtual meetings will take place in two parts: a first theoretical part where the theme of the week will be presented and a second practical part where we will locate what we have seen in your own birth chart.
In all classes we will have an anonymous mini multiplechoice test to review the contents studied in the previous class.
Throughout the course we will create a self-knowledge booklet through the birth chart, synthesizing everything we see in the course.
You will be able to deliver your booklet so that you can correct it and that at the end of the course, you will have a unique and personalized material of your own birth chart. The deliveries are not mandatory, but by having this follow-up, you make sure to settle the knowledge.
We answer your questions

What is OKEA's training orientation?
The training proposal is from evolutionary, psychological and archetypal astrology taking the theories developed by Liz Green, Sthepen Brook, Huber, Rudhyar, Eugenio Carutti and the analytical psychology of Carl G. Jung and his theory of the collective unconscious, the principle of synchronicity, symbols and archetypes.

Why would you choose this school?
After 17 years studying astrology in a self-taught way and in different institutions, the training in Evolutionary Astrology that I offer has all these years of personal experience and the baggage of having worked with many people and their natal charts. Training is born from a practical and experiential place.

Do I need to have any prior knowledge?
It is not necessary to have previous knowledge. Module 1 of the training contains the basic information of the astrological language, the bricks to build the great astral castle. On the other hand, if you decide to do the modules independently, then it is likely that you might miss some important information that was said in other modules.

Can I do the training on a deferred basis?
Classes are held virtually and live every week. If you cannot participate, there is the option to watch the recorded class when you can and follow the pace of the course at your own time, as long as you take into account that practical work will be delivered every 2 weeks and that requires a certain follow-up.

Will I have to take exams or submit papers?
Yes. Once a month you will be asked to submit a practical and integrating work on the topics studied or a multiple choice exam.
At the end of the module, a practical and individual work will be requested that will be put together and delivered throughout the course so that it is as inclusive as possible.

How is the methodology and duration of the modules?
The modules have a duration of 3 months, and are given 3 per year, completing a training of 9 modules in 3 years.
To complete the training it is necessary that you have all the complete modules and the final works of each module delivered and approved.

How are the payment methods?
You can pay each module per month or the complete module with a %15 discount.
The means of payment for residents of Argentina is by bank transfer or market payment, while for people from abroad it is by Paypal